My Phone Walked the Plank
OK, the title of this post is perhaps a little misleading. My phone did not actually walk the plank. It just got a little wet. Perhaps an explanation is in order.
About Time — Sail Report June 23 2015
I had mentioned before (in passing) that my wife was pregnant. Well, now she isn’t pregnant. Samuel Hyrum Earl was born just before midnight on May 20th. It was a pretty exciting day. KaeLynn had an emergency C-section and everything. On the bright side Sam is here now, and everyone is safe, and I have…
First Boat Outing 2015
The stars finally aligned, and I got my boats out on the water for the first time this year. The day got off to an inauspicious start. Eliza had a bad cough, Abby wasn’t feeling well, and Stella, well Stella is always a little difficult. However, Eliza and Abby have been dying to try the…
Mouse Boat One — Details
This last summer, while picnicking (and sailing) at Lake Cleveland we met a really nice family that let my children paddle some of their Lifetime “Wave Junior” kayaks. The kids had so much fun with these boats that I realized that I had to get one. Not only would this give the opportunity for the…