Michalak Oars
I had always planned on a set of oars for Nephi’s Courage. I drew oar locks into the plans, and I purchased an inexpensive set of nylon oarlocks from Duckworks when I made my big order from them, and I even installed the oar locks when I built the boat. It turned out to be…
Puddle Duck Refit — Rudder
I built my puddle duck racer with a Michalak-style kick up rudder, and I still think that was a pretty good choice. However, the place where I typically launch is shallow for a good distance, and I did not take the time to install a lanyard that would allow me to pull the rudder blade…
New Sail Boat Cart
The weather here in Provo has been beautiful. In fact, it has been so beautiful that I am starting to believe that maybe I will be able to get out on the water sooner rather than later. With that in mind I decided that instead of painting the mouse boat today (more on that in…
Nephi’s Courage
In October of 2013 I started building an 8 foot sail boat. Or, at least that was when I made the first cut in the wood that I purchased. I had decided to build a boat after spending some time looking at the prices of new sail boats. I now think that if I had…
Winter Camp: January 2015
I just got back from winter camp, and it was cold. On the bright side nobody died.
Preparing for Winter Campout
I’ve got the big van ready to take scouts camping. To give you an idea as to the size of the van and the scout trailer the scout in the picture is 6 foot 3 inches tall. There is no way that I am even going to think about backing this rig up. It only…
Jason’s Monster Van
Grand Tour This sticker is my absolute favorite thing about the new van. Here it is close up so that you can read it. Once I put a rack on top we are going to need 8 feet of clearance with an empty rack, and 12 feet of clearance when fully loaded. My Civic is…
I Have a Journal
For the last 16 years or so I have kept a journal. It’s a beautiful document. I used LaTeX so the layout is beautiful, it has an index, table of contents, footnotes, list of figures, the whole shebang. I’ve migrated it from one difference version control system to the next over the years, and so…